Visible love is here

When the church can shine and be all God had created it to be, there is so much power to transform a city. When we gather in unity, it propels us to desire to see God move and lay down our own agendas for God’s agenda. This is what Visible love is about. We truly want to see God get glory and the only way we can do that right now is getting outside our comfort zones that may have made us apathetic to where God is really moving. What if we took some risks and all so lives could be changed?

Do you want to see the world encounter God? It will take your risky “yes” to make it happen. It’s not going to happen waiting in our houses for it to come to us. We need to go out to the lost. A friend of ours recently said something so profound but seemed funny at the time he stated it. He said, “We need to set up a “slurpy” stand at the gates of hell.”

We need to go into the dark places. We need to be love to those that are stuck, trapped and hopeless. What if we went into a place and intervened a drug overdose to some young person, or a suicide? We need to be the answer to someones prayer!


Worship is key